


What you need to get it done

Everything we do takes some type of motivation. Whether it is getting up in the morning, going to a tortuous job because you have to pay the bills, or jumping head-first into writing what you hope will be the next "Gone with the Wind". What is your motivation? Who motivates you?

There are two types of motivation; intrinsic and extrinsic. Each type involves a specific type of person. Someone who is intrinsic in their motivation does not need someone to boost their ego or stroke their hair when they begin to feel doubtful. Someone who requires extrinsic motivation needs someone to help them along in their journey. They don't *do* the work, but they are the cheerleaders in the background.

Intrinsically Motivated People:

They pull up their bootstraps, hike on their big-boy pants, and get down to the work of finishing something. If they have a deadline, they'll buckle down and do whatever it takes to get it done. Coffee, cookies, and spotlights to tear through their nights will keep them awake and plugging on. Whether they write a short story for a magazine or they write a thousand-page series, this group just gets to work. They feel satisfaction in a job completed and do not seek accolades to produce their products. They find the work to be their motivation, the completion their reward.

Extrinsically Motivated People:

There is nothing wrong with someone who needs someone to keep them going. We are human, and that means we are social creatures. Find someone who you can truly trust to give you just the right amount of self-assurance to keep moving forward. This person's motivation may be caring for family or pleasing the multitudes with their incredible tome or series. Knowing that someone is counting on you is motivation. You are pleasing others which pleases you. Their happiness is your motivation.


Whether you choose to motivate yourself or find it helpful to keep a cheering squad on hand, your motivation is an integral part of your success. Which one are you? Do you do it for yourself, or for others? Keep in mind, though, if you aren't motivated to finish your book, if your mindset is "whatever" or "what's the point" then you may never get through to those two satisfying words: "The End."

William McCorbin - Crime Drama Author  Texas, USA 77571
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